Category: Windows Server 2012
WSUS on secondary SCCM site
WSUS on Secondary Site Generally speaking if everything is OK you install WSUS role with the same setup as your primary site, launch the console once, close it, install SUP from the SCCM and configure it and that’s it. However, sometimes the WSUS breaks and when that happens it is usually a pain to…
Install Primary and Additional Domain Controller With PowerShell Cheat Sheet
# # Windows PowerShell script for AD DS Deployment #Do no forget to rename the computer, set static IP, enable remote desktop if needed and so on # Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services Install-ADDSForest ` -CreateDnsDelegation:$false ` -DatabasePath “C:\Windows\NTDS” ` -DomainMode “Win2012” ` -DomainName “” ` -DomainNetbiosName “DOMAIN” ` -ForestMode “Win2012” ` -InstallDns:$true ` -LogPath “C:\Windows\NTDS” ` -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false…
Reopen Closed PowerShell Window – Server Core
Few days ago I managed to close my powershell window during an remote desktop session to a core server and I stumbled silly into the empty screen 🙂 After googling for a while I learned that your savior in this situation is: CTRL + ALT + END Give it a try, it is really worthy!
SharePoint 2013 Instalation Tips
Studying for SharePoint 2013 exam, I’ve decided to install it in my lab and as usual I had some issues. I was thinking to use SQL server on premises used for SCCM 2012 R2 test lab, but it is 32-bit, therefore, unusable. Due to the limited resources (You know, RAM goes first) I ended installing…
Create an SCCM collection containing inactive clients excluding certain computers
Create a new collection and use the following query to select inactive agents, the part in bold is to exclude all computers with name stating with PCNAME% from it if needed, % is equal to * in sql so if your naming convention is pcname01, pcname02 and so on pcname06% will exclude pcname060, pcname061, pcname0600…
Redirect New Workstations to a certain OU
Find the Distinguished Name of the OU to which you want to redirect all new computers dsquery ou -name <OU-Name> EXAMPLE – dsquery ou –name “DOMAIN WORKSTATIONS” Use redircmp Distinguished Name found with dsquery Run powershell/cmd as an administrator
Tested guide for upgrade 2003 domain to 2012
Raise domain/forest functional level to 2003 Domain is raised from AD users and computers Forest is raised from AD Domains and Trusts Prepare AD for 2012 The command adprep is located on your Server 2012 disk under the \support\adprep Run in cmd adprep /forestprep If KB919151 is not installed adprep /forestprep will fail with “ADPREP.EXE…
Install/Uninstall Feature PowerShell Server 2012 Quick Notes
To get the list of all features(feature names are in the second column, Windows PowerShell cmdlets are not case-sensitive): get-WindowsFeature To uninstall completely a feature: Uninstall-WindowsFeature featurename -remove If -remove is not used the feature will be listed as available, however, it won’t be removed from the harddrive. To install a feature after it’s removed…