Category: Server 2016
Install Primary and Additional Domain Controller With PowerShell Cheat Sheet
# # Windows PowerShell script for AD DS Deployment #Do no forget to rename the computer, set static IP, enable remote desktop if needed and so on # Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services Install-ADDSForest ` -CreateDnsDelegation:$false ` -DatabasePath “C:\Windows\NTDS” ` -DomainMode “Win2012” ` -DomainName “” ` -DomainNetbiosName “DOMAIN” ` -ForestMode “Win2012” ` -InstallDns:$true ` -LogPath “C:\Windows\NTDS” ` -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false…
Reopen Closed PowerShell Window – Server Core
Few days ago I managed to close my powershell window during an remote desktop session to a core server and I stumbled silly into the empty screen 🙂 After googling for a while I learned that your savior in this situation is: CTRL + ALT + END Give it a try, it is really worthy!
PowerShell TimeZone, Date and So On
If someone ever wondered how to change time, timezone or date in a powershell session or in a core server here is how. If today is 27 May 2017 and we want to set the clock to 16:12: Set-Date -Date “5/27/2017 16:12” More on this here. If only the timezone needs to be changed lets…